Solutions for hydroelectric power

Hydroelectric power is the most widespread in this sector thanks to technological innovations that allow for greater efficiency and easy application.

Performance, reliability and the best cost/revenue ratio are the Key Points that BDF Digital has set out for itself in recent years. Our plants work by maximising energy production and reducing maintenance time and costs as much as possible.

Thanks to our solutions, we have been able to bring our know-how, developed over decades of experience in the industrial field, to this very sector: the reduction of mechanical components and adjustment shifted to the electronics.

Our AFE (Active Front End) + inverter system controls the speed and torque of the generator, reducing mechanical stress and extending the service life of the system while increasing productivity. Thanks to this technology and dedicated software, it is possible to work within a wide range of jumps/flows and this is applicable to all types of existing hydraulic machines, from traditional Pelton, Francis and Kaplan to augers.

For greater efficiency of the hydroelectric plant during certain work phases, we have developed software called STARTER/BY PASS that allows the generator to be disconnected from the electronics during nominal 50Hz operation and the machine to be directly connected in parallel to the grid, thus reducing losses during operation and eliminating inrush currents during start-up.

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